Jul 03 Adventure with our Summer Reading Program!
Adventures with our Summer Reading Program!
Join us for Sto-Rox Public Library’s “Adventures at Your Library” Summer Reading Program from June 11 to August 6, 2024.
So far, our summer adventure has included a kick-off day featuring old-fashioned field games, a visit from the Science Bus, a Fishing Trip to North Park, and Backyard Adventures with Daniel Caron. Upcoming events include visits from the Carnegie Science Center’s planetarium, the Carnegie Museum of Natural History, and an art pop-up. We’ll also take trips to the Zoo and Sandcastle.
All programs and trips are free and open to the public!
Adventure with a Challenge!
Youth participants of our summer reading program are encouraged to take part in our Summer Reading Challenge for entries into a drawing for several fun prize packs! Drawings for these prizes will take place on Aug 6, 2024 at our “It’s a Wrap” party.
We didn’t forget about adults! For you, we are holding a Summer Reading Book Challenge! Each week, adults submit a weekly reading log for an entry for an Amazon Fire E-Reader. The winner will be drawn on Aug 7, 2024.
Our “Adventures at Your Library” Summer Reading Program and Challenges are made possible by the generous support of The United Way, Dollar General, and the Fusina Family.
For more information or to register, please contact the Sto-Rox Library Desk at 412-771-1222, email Library Director, Jenny Gregory at jgregory@forstorox.org, or click here: