In 2022, in response to the dramatic rise in violent crimes in Allegheny County, the county committed $50 million over five years toward funding partnerships with community organizations taking public health approaches to preventing gun violence. The Allegheny County Department of Human Services requested proposals from stakeholders serving communities with the highest rates of violence to develop a Community Violence Reduction Plan that would use two or three existing evidence-based strategies (CURE Violence, BAM, and READI) to reduce and prevent community violence.
Focus On Renewal submitted a proposal that incorporated all three strategies and included partnerships with the Sto-Rox School District, as well as numerous non-profit organizations.
Allegheny County DHS selected Sto-Rox, along with five other communities, as Community Violence Reduction Initiative Priority Areas. Focus On Renewal was named the “Community Quarterback” agency to lead coordination and implementation of the Sto-Rox CVRI plan which includes Sto-Rox BAM, Sto-Rox CURE Violence, Sto-Rox ACTES, as well as local Homicide and Shooting Review Meetings.
Sto-Rox Becoming A Man operates at Sto-Rox Junior/Senior High School. For more information, please contact Dr. Andrew Johnson at 412-849-5079.
Sto-Rox CURE Violence operates via Pittsburgh Area Schools (PAC, formerly CISPAC). For more information click the link below or contact Mike Mott at 412-927-6831.
Sto-Rox ACTES (Achieving Change Through Transitional Employment Services, formerly READI) operates at Focus On Renewal’s Community Resource Center. For more information, please click on the photo above, or contact ACTES Program Manager, Terri Minor Spencer, at 412-331-1685 Ext. 304.
For questions about our Sto-Rox CVRI Plan, please contact
Brett Douthett, CVRI Director/Program Outreach Coordinator at